-Only you can change your life. NO one can do it for you.
-Sometimes it’s very hard to move on.but once you move on,you’ll realise it was the best decision you have ever made.
-Your Parents may not be perfect but they are the most precious gift god has ever given to you.
• Priority
Prioritize your health, the rest comes later
• Planning
Plan your meals before you grab unhealthy snacks
• Bad habits
It's time to ditch your bad habits immediately
• Alternatives
Find ways to exercise in between your work
• Once I have one hit, I will be set for life
• I need a label deal so all I will have to do all day is write songs and play gigs
• All I need is one major label artist to record one of my songs.
• I need a record deal because being indie limits my income.
• The more Facebook friends or ‘likes’ I have, the more money I will make.
• All I need is a manager or a booking agent.
• I don’t need to know the business side of my career. I will hire someone else to do that.
• Playing covers is ‘selling out.’
• All I need is a ‘bus gig’
• I’m great. All I need now is to be discovered.
All people can experience poor attention to detail or have trouble focusing sometimes. Some contributing factors may include:
• being hungry
• being tired or having poor-quality sleep
• being stressed
• feeling worried or anxious
• being distracted by something in your environment
Sometimes, managing the cause of your inability to focus can help resolve the issue. But if you often experience poor attention to detail or have difficulty staying engaged in tasks that require your full attention, it may be a symptom of another condition.
These may include:
• attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
• anxiety
• depression
• autism
• learning disorders like dyslexia
• conditions that affect the quality of your sleep, like insomnia or sleep apnea
• conditions that cause fatigue, like hypothyroidism
• post-traumatic stress disorder
• concentration deficit disorder
Doctors may also want to rule out conditions such as hearing loss and developmental disorders in children.
If your difficulties staying focused result from a condition, a healthcare professional can help you find a treatment that may improve your focus.
This is something I have been thinking a lot about since writing the A-Z of me post.
I’ve had a few trial and errors when it came to blogging long before Weesi’s World became what it is today. When I was 17, I had a blog set up and tried my best to get it going, but between school and a busy Summer something always got in the way. Eventually, that domain ended and with it, my first blog.
For as long as I remember, when someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, the answer was always an author, even at age 13 when this question was put to me by a teacher in my first few days of secondary school. Somewhere along the way my confidence in my writing dwindled a little and I think it was the constant writing for school rather than fun that was contributing to this.